Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Lyrical Leap Of Faith

My 9YO's Daisy Rock
Style Shout Out to everyone who has taken or is about to take a leap of faith...

I don't know what it is about leap year but this extra day in February that only comes around once every four years makes this month a great time to do, or plan to do, something outside of your comfort zone.  Recently I wrote about how I played guitar and sang on the spur of the moment at a coffee shop.  To tell you the truth it was both scary and exhilarating, and way outside of my comfort zone.

Maybe it was better that it was impromptu because I didn't have all day to think about it.  Since I haven't taken the stage in well over a decade I was forced to grab a guitar and take that leap hoping the performance would be well received and also hoping that I wouldn't forget any lyrics.

Well, I didn't forget any lyrics.  And, I learned that sometimes you just have to have faith in yourself and trust in your abilities.  I also learned that you really can do anything at any age with the right attitude.

Over the past few months I have also learned a lot from my nine year old daughter.  I have watched her take the stage with confidence and sing and play piano and guitar.  I have seen her play challenging songs at gigs and smile through the occasional technical glitch like recently when she was playing Sara Bareilles' "Love Song" at a show and there was a problem with the keyboard pedal.  Rather than stopping she played through seamlessly and unless you knew the piano was supposed to be a bit louder at some points you would never have known there was anything wrong. Somehow she always carries herself with grace and composure and just continues with a smile on her face and a sparkle in her eyes.  When I asked her if she ever gets nervous she said, "No, not nervous because I practice and I'm prepared. But I do get excited."

So today think about something you wish you had done or want to do and figure out how to make it happen.  Because of the leap of faith I took last week and the encouragement I received from my hubby and daughter I am going to schedule a few shows this year.

Will I be nervous?  Sure I will...but sometimes you just have to take a deep breath and take a leap of faith.

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