Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Shorts

Jimmy Fallon on Piers Morgan - CNN
Style Shout Out to Sunday and keeping it short...

Last night as I was watching Piers Morgan interviewing Jimmy Fallon, with ice cream tasting (by the way, I love Ben & Jerry's Late Night Snack) and guitar playing (Fallon has the most beautiful Gibson acoustic and he can really play), I realized how fortunate I am to be surrounded by so much laughter and music in my own home.

We spent the weekend recording a song that is a true family collaboration.  My daughter had this great concept and riff that evolved into a very good song.  For an 8 year old who has been playing piano for a year and guitar for a few months, she has quite a knack for melodies and knowing what she wants a track to sound like.  So, the last two weekends for us have been filled with a lot of music and a lot of laughs for which I am truly grateful.  And with school starting tomorrow this was the perfect note to end the summer.

Happy Sunday.

My Style Shout Out Tip:  It's never too early to teach your children about gratitude.  To get ready for back to school my daughter and I always do a Fall clean-out and organize closets and donate clothes and toys.  She has been helping with these Fall and Spring clean-outs since she could walk and as she is about to begin another year at elementary school I am so proud of her willingness to help others.  For that I am truly grateful.

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