Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Day, New Year

Style Shout Out to a New Year.

There are so many things I love about this time of year.  For me it's a season of celebration with birthdays (including my daughter's), wedding anniversaries, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  By the time New Year's Eve rolls around I am ready to have a nice dinner with my family, come home, play some board games (this year Seinfeld Clue is at the top of my daughter's list), and of course it wouldn't be New Year's Eve without watching the ball drop in New York City.

I hope all of you have a very Happy New Year, and thanks for reading my blog this year.  Also a big thank you to my hubby and my daughter.  This blog started with a simple question from my daughter a year ago which to para-phrase..."Is there something you want to do, in addition to being my Mom, that you're not doing right now?"

I told her that being her Mom was so rewarding and so amazing which is why I stopped working when she was born.  I truly didn't want to miss a moment.  I also told her that someday it would be great to get back to writing and to hopefully sell one of my songs.  She was 8 at the time and responded that while she couldn't help me sell a song yet, she could help me with the writing thing and so she and my hubby set up this blog.

Creating this blog was such a thoughtful thing for my family to do, so I made a promise that I would write. It's been a great way to show my daughter what it means to make a commitment and follow through.  She has seen the days when the words flow quickly and the days when the words are a bit slow to reach the page but through it all I hope she has seen that with determination and positivity goals can be reached.

It's been a fun year and I hope that you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed writing.  Who knows? Maybe this year in addition to writing this blog, I'll finally sell that song!

My Style Shout Out Tip:  The New Year is a great time to start something new.  I look at it like a clean slate...New Day, New Year.  My daughter's optimism is contagious and so for the past few years rather than make a resolution that I may not be able to keep, I just decide to build on my experiences from the past year and try to do things a bit better in the New Year.  I guess as a Mom the best resolution I can make is to be the best role model I can be for my daughter...and that's a resolution I know I can keep.

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